Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Kathy Bates and Me

 Although it has been a while since I've heard it, people say I resemble actress Kathy Bates. 

I haven't always resembled her during my oh...5 decades of life, but the process must have become noticeable after the threshold of 40 was acknowledged.

"You remind me of someone..." The conversation would begin innocently.

"You must know one of my many sisters," I wouldreply and name them off.
"No, that's not it," they'd answer blankly, trying 
to jar their memories. 

"Someone famous," they'd add, and name a few movie stars. I'd laugh at their suggestion of Kathy Bates. 

But the scenario continued for several years from old and young alike.

"Yes, you do," they'd say. I scoffed.

Today, I'm taking advantage of the physical similarities and beginning this blog. 

Maybe Kathy Bates will read it.

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